New degree in Environment, Politics and Development

Starting in October 2014, the Department of Development Studies will be opening a new MSc course - in Environment, Politics and Development. Full details are here, and hot!

New MSc in Environment, Politics and Development
Department of Development Studies
SOAS, University of London
Convenors: Professor Rosaleen Duffy and Professor Peter Mollinga

This programme uses a critical political ecology frame and examines environmental policy and its intersections with development from a social justice angle. It is taught and convened by leading political ecologists and offers a critical analysis of key issues including water, climate, fisheries, forests, agricultural production, biodiversity, conflicts and energy supply.

The Masters asks important questions including:
§  Can we govern  the commons?
§  How does the environment intersect with global poverty, wealth and questions of inequality?
§  Can carbon trading offer a solution to managing climate change?
§  How does access to water intersect with dynamics of wealth and poverty?
§  Is wildlife conservation implicated in social injustices?
§  What role can and do environmental movements play in development?
§  Is there a link between environmental change and violent conflict?
§  What are the political ecologies of forests?

For enquiries about the content of the programme please contact Professor Rosaleen Duffy
For recruitment and admissions please contact

Read here Rosaleen's take on the recent London Declaration on wildlife trafficking for Just Conservation
