The view from Myanmar - towards the start of a new academic year

I am returning to the convenorship of the VCD programme in September. I am currently in Myanmar, and enjoying the view from an area of the world that I have never visited before. Along with a couple of colleagues from other universities, I am leading a training workshop on conflict and peace studies, which is a wonderful exchange of knowledge and experience. I had the pleasure of meeting a former VCD student at a panel discussion earlier this week, and it was great to hear about the work he's gone on to do after completing his MSc.

There has been some time for sightseeing too!

In other news, I am pleased to announce that Kim Wale, who wrote her PhD with us a few years back, has just published her work as a book, and it is available from Routledge.

So it's about change and continuity. It is always fantastic to hear from former students and to know that they are building on their experiences at SOAS. It's getting to that time of the year again when we look forward to welcoming a new cohort and starting on a new round of conversations!
